Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What could have been?

This is a drawing I made based off a rough sketch for a cover for a character that was going to be named bullet, this was gonna be a team up thing between me and 2 friends and their characters (I know this sounds like the same nerdy thinks you hear from the many that try, but we actauly had some plans). Anyways, my rough plot outline was aproved but when the writer wrote the script, it was very different then what I had in mind and it suffered a lot some time line issues. The end of the stroy is he wouldnt rewrite and my script wouldnt be aproved. So I retain the right to use this character that is super fast and can multiply, and I renaimed him QuickStryke since Bullet was their idea, if I ever do this for reals I may work that in the story "your name should be bullet, cuz your as fast as one" "no, thats just stupid"... not that the name is dumb (I liked it and hoped to have kept it), just a funny reference to the origin in behind the scences of the character.

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